Thursday, July 29, 2010

Christians, if doctors advise you to masturbate regularly to reduce risk of prostrate cancer, will you?

ha! they do that anyway...Christians, if doctors advise you to masturbate regularly to reduce risk of prostrate cancer, will you?
yes, masturbation have very good effects on health, its relieves stress, reduce risk of prostrate cancer as you said, it makes us have more self control in sexual situations so we do less imprudent things, it makes easier not cheating on your wife or girlfriend. Also this doesn't do any damage to anyone so, if it is good and doesnt have anything bad, then it isnt a sin, why would god forbid something that is good and inoffensive?Christians, if doctors advise you to masturbate regularly to reduce risk of prostrate cancer, will you?
I would tell my doctor I had the situation well-in-hand. And by the way, I think being at your ideal weight is even better insurance against prostate cancer. Along with eating a handful of pumpkin seeds every day and taking a Vitamin D supplement. I'm not a doctor, dietitian or expert. But I do thrive on good nutrition and ';sexercise.';
There is no correlation between male masturbation and reduction of the risk of prostate cancer. As for the frequency of masturbation, the figures I have heard are 95% of the population admit to it and the other 5% are liars.
Mazza: female masturbation levels hormone swings, tones pelvic muscles, and reduces the risk of a pelvic/ligament injury if you play sports.

And to answer the Q, my uber christian brother would rather risk the cancer than touch himself.
Forget trying to educate them about it, they would rather become a statistic even if it is before their expected age to die.

Good you've done your research, out with the old and in with the new! :)
No. A new study indicates that excessive masturbation can actually trigger the possibility of prostate cancer. The conclusion? - More study is needed.
90% of men in America masturbate, and 75% of women in America. Since 76% of the U.S. is Christian, it's safe to say most of them already do.
They would claim they ';would gladly die first';, typing it with one hand, while masturbating with the other.
I suspect that if they refuse to do it, it's because they're secretly hoping for the colonoscopy.
Everyone masturbates.Some people just lie :)
Only Roman Catholics (as far as I know) consider male masturbation a sin.

Not being RC, I'm pretty much good to go!
whats wrong with masterbation?

there is nothing wrong with it, its natural and normal.

but you pick, materbate or die
I would love to see girls masturbate more.(is that a good enough excuse?)
I wish there was some awesome excuse for girls to do it all the time, too. Then I wouldn't be so weird...
Your sins are forgiven you. Jesus died for all sins and now you are sin free having read/heard this. So now you are sin free what will you do with your life?

Being sin free makes you Christian too, so let us get to know God better and better. But what are you going to do now being free of sins?

take care.

God can do more than a doctor, so doctor no, but God I would have to.
I would gladly die first. Scripture teaches that God curses those that ';spill their seed '; (masturbate) !!

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