Could you give me advice, tips, pros and cons of this job. I know it will take about 2 yrs of school, but how much would i be making once im out and working in the field.
What does the job consist of. I know helping people do rehab and get better, but if you know more than me, can you give me more details.
Thanks i appreciate it!NEED HELP/ ADVISE Any one in the field of Physical Therapy Assistant?
Most PTAs make in the ball park of $30-$40,000 a year.
The job consists of creating treatment programs once a physical therapist has determined what type of rehabilitative program a patient needs. For instance, a PT might evaluate a patient and determine that a patient with shoulder pain has an impingement syndrome...the PT may recommend inferior joint mobilization, iontophoresis and exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff. The PTA could perform the joint mobilization, apply the iontophoresis and teach the patient what exercises to do. The PTA is dependent on the assessment of the PT and cannot ';add'; extra treatments to the program without further assessment by the PT.
Both PTs and PTAs can impliment treatment programs, but only the PT can complete assessments and recommend treatment.
Good luck.
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